Full Information About Termux and all Basic Commands


Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

Secure. Access remote servers using the ssh client from OpenSSH. Termux combines standard packages with accurate terminal emulation in a beautiful open source solution.

Feature packed. Take your pick between Bash, fish or Zsh and nano, Emacs or Vim. Grep through your SMS inbox. Access API endpoints with curl and use rsync to store backups of your contact list on a remote server.

Customizable. Install what you want through the APT package management system known from Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Why not start with installing Git and syncing your dotfiles?

Explorable. Have you ever sat on a bus and wondered exactly which arguments tar accepts? Packages available in Termux are the same as those on Mac and Linux - install man pages on your phone and read them in one session while experimenting with them in another.

Portable - With batteries included. Can you imagine a more powerful yet elegant pocket calculator than a readline-powered Python console? Up-to-date versions of Perl, Python, Ruby and Node.js are all available.

Ready to scale up. Connect a Bluetooth keyboard and hook up your device to an external display if you need to - Termux supports keyboard shortcuts and has full mouse support.

Tinkerable. Develop by compiling Go, Rust, Swift, or C files with Clang and build your own projects with CMake and pkg-config. Both lldb/GDB and strace are available if you get stuck and need to debug.


Update all the packages and dependencies installed on the system:

 apt update && apt upgrade

If any update is available it will ask you on the terminal if you want to upgrade or not, press Y if

you want the update.

 Grant storage permission:


now you can access your Storage and all the folder in it using termux.

 Know Which directory you are in:


This command will tell you, your present working directory

 List all the files and directories:


this command will show you the folder and files in your current working directory.Move forward in directories:

 cd storage

cd command allows you to move in a folder just type cd and the folder name you wanna move

here I am moving in storage.

 Move backward in directories:

 cd ..

 by typing cd ..(between cd and .. we have to put space) you will go back in the directory you

were in.

 Clear Screen:


by typing clear in the termux you can clear all the previous results.

 Create a folder or a directory:

 mkdir folderName

Mkdir Stand for make directory. Type mkdir and give a space and type folder name and press

enter to see the folder you have just created just type ls.

 Delete a folder or a directory:

 rmdir folderName

Rmdir stands for Remove Directory.Type rmdir space folder name to remove that folder.

 Delete Non-Empty directory or folder in termux:

 rm -rf folderName

Please use this command with caution.This command will remove a folder and all the files and

folders within it.This command is useful when you want to delete any project downloaded from


 Copy a file from one directory to another directory:

 cp files-name file-path

You can copy files by typing cp the file name and after giving a space you can type the path

where you wanna copy the file E.g: cp virus.apk /storage/shared this will copy the virus.apk to

the storage/shared folder.

 Search for the specific package in termux:

 pkg search package-name

It will show you all the package related to that package name.

 List all the available packages in termux:

 pkg list-all

it will show you all the packages that are available in the APT repository of termux.

Install a Package:

 pkg install packageName

you can install any package from the list, just type pkg install package-name.

 Uninstall a Package:

 pkg uninstall packageName

you can uninstall any package from the list, just type pkg uninstall package-name.it will ask you

where if you wanna delete the package or not press y and the package will be uninstalled.

 Install Python in termux:

 pkg install python

Just type this command and it will be installed in your termux press y if it asks for

confirmation.after installing python you can write code and also run your own python scripts.

Type python to check if python is properly installed or not.

 Install Git in termux:

 pkg install git

Git will allow you to download any project from the github.

 Download projects from GitHub repository :

 git clone Link-of-the-project

If you want to download any project from the git hub you can just use the above just change the

Link-of-the-project with your linke.g: git clone https://github.com/adi1090x/termux-style.git

 Check all the running processes in termux:


This command will show you all the tasks running on your termux. To quit the top command on

termux just press CTRL+C on your keyboard.

 Create a text file in termux:

1. first, you have to download a package name nano. Type on termux pkg install nano press y when

asking for confirmation.

2. type nano on the terminal.

3. type anything you want I am typing hello world.

4. Press CTRL+X and press Y to save the file.

5. Give the file name anyname.txt and press enter.

6. Type ls command to see your directory.

 See what's inside a text file:

 cat file-name

Run this command and everything in the text file will be printed on the terminal.

e.g: cat data.txt

 Delete a file in termux:rm file-name

To delete any file within the directory in, just type the rm name of your file and press enter and

it will be deleted.

e.g: rm data.txt

 List all the installed Packages in termux:

 dpkg --list

By Using this command You will be able to see all the installed packages in your termux app.


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